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@pawel_czerwinski, Unsplash
Chandan Chaurasia

Chandan Chaurasia (25)

Chandan Chaurasia is a UX Designer / UX Researcher and a blogger from Birgunj, Nepal. He writes about technology trends, web resources and design.

Chandan Chaurasia

कोरोनाभाइरस को बारेमा सजिलै बुझौं

एउटा व्यक्ति हिजो संक्रमित भयो तर आउने १४ दिन सम्म उसलाई थाहा हुने छैन | त्यो व्यक्ति ले सोच्छ कि ऊ स्वस्थ छ र प्रति दिन १० व्यक्तिलाई संक्रमित गर्दै जान्छ | यो १० व्यक्ति ले सोच्छन कि उनीहरु ठिक छन्, उनीहरु यात्रा गर्छन, बाहिर जान्छन र १०० जनालाई संक्रमित गर्छन | यो १०० व्यक्तिले सोच्छन कि उनीहरु स्वस्थ छन् र १००० जनालाई संक्रमित गर्छन…

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Chandan Chaurasia

Google Research India - An AI Lab in Bengaluru

Google has created Google Research India - an AI lab started in Bengaluru, the Silicon Valley of India. According to Google, the AI research team will focus on two pillars: First, advancing fundamental computer science and AI research by building a strong team and partnering with the research community across the country. Second, applying this research to tackle big problems in fields like healthcare, agriculture,…

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Chandan Chaurasia

Design Elegant Websites with these CSS frameworks

So you have had enough of Bootstrap already and you want to try something new and cool. In this era of front-end tools, there are a number of powerful CSS frameworks that can make development a breeze apart from popular frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, Material etc. Today I am writing about CSS and Front-end frameworks that are alternative to the popular ones and are easy to…

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Chandan Chaurasia

A very brief introduction to

What is It is a framework for GPU-based Visualization and Computation powered by WebGl2. It is a JavaScript framework that provides developers easier and complete access to underlying WebGL2 APIs provided by modern browsers. was originally created in late 2015 as a fork of PhiloGL to provide high performance WebGL rendering capability for - a 3D visualization framework for large scale data. The core philosophy of is…

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Chandan Chaurasia

Awesome Web Tools of the Week - August 2019

This is a list of must-try web resources and tools that will help you in lots of things like app automation, web design and development, app deployment, UI and UX design and many more. This is the compilation for the first week of August 2019 that I have discovered through different Web and Tech magazines. Enjoy your awesome productive week! Fastlane 🚀 handles all tedious tasks, like generating screenshots,…

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